Online Seminar: Gender Sensitivity and LGBTQ Inclusivity
View Events Map Good evening, DBS Fam!
The officers would like to invite you to a free online seminar about Gender Sensitivity and LGBTQ Inclusivity. It will be held this coming June 26, 2021 (Saturday), at 3 PM via Zoom. Let's build bridges by learning to understand, accept and respect our LGBTQ community.
Members are required to join this activity to fulfill your Membership Renewal Requirement.As per last General Assembly, one requirement there is to attend a one non-skill workshop and this is an example.
So, please join us in this seminar as we have invited a special guest speaker. Also, as DBS members, we need to be aware about these kind of topics.
See you there!
Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 3PM until 6PM
Davao City
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